When it comes to baton twirling performances, having the right accessories can make all the difference. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned twirler, having the right baton twirling accessories can help enhance your skills and add some flair to your routine. At Star Line Baton, we offer a wide range of high quality batons and accessories to help you shine on the twirling stage.
Choosing the Right Baton
Posted: 11/22/2024
Once you have mastered the basics of baton twirling choreography, it's time to take your skills to the next level with advanced techniques. Diving into advanced baton twirling choreography techniques will help you create captivating routines that showcase your talent and skill as a twirler.
Exploring Complex Movement Patterns:
Posted: 9/26/2024
There are certain basic aspects to every baton routine, whether you are a beginner or an advanced twirler. For example, every routine begins with a salute to the judge. The salute is executed by holding the baton in the right hand with the baton held vertical against the left side of the body. The right hand holds the baton about one-third of the way down from the head of the baton and the right elbow points outward, while the left hand is placed on the twirler's hip. A salute shows the judge that you are ready to begin your routine.
A baton twirling routine should flow smoothly and include tricks according to the skill level of the twirler. Some very common baton tricks include finger twirls, cradles, elbow rolls, open-handed tosses, back hand catches, horizontal spins, thumb flips, and figure-eights. With practice, a twirler's skill level will improve and they will soon be able to learn more advanced tricks, as well as more difficult variations of the tricks they already know.
Posted: 10/19/2023
The benefits of cheerleading can be valuable for both young men and women. Not only does it promote a sense of camaraderie between kids and peers, but it also offers a fun way to get exercise and stay physically fit. It helps teach valuable skills, such as teamwork and good sportsmanship, while fostering leadership qualities and a sense of pride. Finally, cheerleaders build self-confidence and learn how to be supportive teammates. For Girls and Young Women For young women, cheerleading develops coordination skills, strength, and endurance. In addition, it encourages commitment to good health and fitness habits that last lifetime. Cheerleading also lays the foundation for other activities and sports which require agility and rhythm. It also helps young women gain confidence in their bodies, as well as build the courage and assertiveness it takes to stand out and be heard. For Boys and Young Men Young men who participate in cheerleading can gain powerful physical and emotiona
Posted: 7/28/2023
From its origins in marching band and marionette performances, baton twirling has always been synonymous with music. The styles of music have evolved over the years, though traditional performances can still be seen around the world. These are the ways in which baton twirling and music have gone hand-in-hand: Setting the Tone As much as baton twirling is a sport that requires athleticism, it’s a performance that requires finesse and stage presence. Choosing music for a baton twirling show is more than picking whatever is fun, upbeat and popular at the time. The song or collection of songs chosen for a performance set a tone for the performers and the audience to follow. Determining the Moves Music can also help baton twirling coaches determine the moves that will be done during the performance. Will they be high energy with lots of throws or more low-key and based on slower choreography? This is all determined by the choice of music, as well as the skill of the performers. Ba
Posted: 4/21/2023
Fire dancing has ancient roots, and even now, watching a fire dancing routine brings viewers back to a simpler time. However, spinning fire can be dangerous, especially for inexperienced twirlers. For someone looking to make a transition to fire twirling or looking to put on a flashy show without the risks fire brings, there are alternatives available. Battery-powered light batons can be great, but there’s always the risk of batteries dying at inopportune moments. That’s where the batteryless lighted Starlite comes in. Dangers of Fire Spinning No matter what technology we create or what methods we use to make fire safer, it’s inherently dangerous. The tiniest bit of excess fuel can go flying off a fire baton and onto nearby plants — or worse, audience members. Spinning a fire baton can be practiced safely, but it involves several steps and a great deal of training to make fire spinning safe. Inconvenience of Fire Batons When you use fire batons, there are several other types
Posted: 2/10/2023
Worship dance is a collection of physical and emotional energy put into praise dancing. Sometimes within worship dance we use items that enhance our movement and add a visual aspect to the message we are trying to convey. Adding items to worship dance involves a lot of practice and skills, but leads to a performance that is well received and thoughtful. Tambourines In the Bible, tambourines were notably used as instruments of worship. For instance, when the Israelites were freed from Egypt in the Exodus, Miriam played a tambourine alongside the worshippers. Tambourines have been used in worship in countries like Greece, China and India. Today, in many Pentecostal churches, tambourines are used to emphasize worship and to add style musically. We offer Standard Single Jingle Tambourines in various sizes, based on your needs. Flags Flags are used within worship dance to accentuate the words that are being sung. It takes a lot of practice to be able to understand the songs spirit
Posted: 4/22/2022
With pandemic restrictions being lifted, in-person sports are making a slow return. For now, virtual competitions look like they’re here to stay. Competitions have gone virtual for many top baton twirling organizations. This makes the events accessible to more talented twirlers but also creates its own set of challenges. Here’s how you can prepare for a virtual competition. Practice, Practice, Practice Watch home videos from other baton twirlers to see how you can make the most of the virtual format. Before you decide on a routine, see how it looks on camera. Just like you would for an in-person twirling competition, you need to practice before you compete. Since judges won’t have any distractions from your performance, it’s more important than ever to perfect your routine. Test Out Camera Angles When competing in person, there’s no doubt that the judges can see everything you do. It’s different when you’re performing for a camera. Make sure your whole routine can be seen cle
Posted: 10/1/2021
When you hear the term “baton twirling,” what picture comes to mind? A traditional drum majorette leading the school marching band across the football field, or the dazzling, fire-wielding performer at a halftime show? There are many different types of baton twirling, and all require an equal level of skill, commitment, and enthusiasm. Here are just a few kinds you’ll see being performed across the globe today: In marching band twirling, the oldest and most common form of baton twirling, performers called “drum majors” or “drum majorettes” lead the band with colorful uniforms, synchronized movements, and of course, intricate twirling routines. This type of twirling has its roots in rifle-spinning military parades, and has since evolved into a competitive sport that is practiced around the world. Marching band twirlers typically use a standard metal baton with weighted rubber ends—often shaped like stars, flutes, or balls—for utmost flexibility in their routines. They also use h
Posted: 3/5/2021
When you hear the term “baton twirling,” what picture comes to mind? A traditional drum majorette leading the school marching band across the football field, or the dazzling, fire-wielding performer at a halftime show? There are many different types of baton twirling, and all require an equal level of skill, commitment, and enthusiasm. Here are just a few kinds you’ll see being performed across the globe today: In marching band twirling, the oldest and most common form of baton twirling, performers called “drum majors” or “drum majorettes” lead the band with colorful uniforms, synchronized movements, and of course, intricate twirling routines. This type of twirling has its roots in rifle-spinning military parades, and has since evolved into a competitive sport that is practiced around the world. Marching band twirlers typically use a standard metal baton with weighted rubber ends—often shaped like stars, flutes, or balls—for utmost flexibility in their routines. They also use h
Posted: 3/5/2021
Baton twirling may appear to be a cute activity that adds sparkle to sports events, but it is much more than that. Like any other sport, twirling requires hours of practice, years of dedication, and perfectly synchronized teamwork. While baton routines look flawless and joyful, the big smiles are just another display of a twirler’s strength. Practice Makes Perfect If a baton twirling routine looks easy, there is a reason. Each routine is the result of several hours a week dedicated to learning rolls, tosses, and other tricks. These tricks are done with anywhere between one and three batons at a time. Not only does a twirler take time to master tricks; they have to synchronize with other performers. And though dropping the baton may be acceptable during practice, the audience expects perfection on performance day. Sports-Related Injuries Twirlers need to do several tricks quickly to hold an audience’s attention. Practicing these tricks results in bruises on hands, arms and legs
Posted: 12/9/2020
If you or a loved one are looking to blow away the baton twirler in your life with an amazing gift, Star Line Baton offers many items that will do just that. There’s much more that goes into twirling than just the baton. Baton twirling is a lifestyle that allows you to make countless memories, discover new talents, and most of all make the closest of friends. There's no better gift to give to a twirler than one that reflects their passion and love for the sport. Baton Case After a long day of twirling, it is important to keep all of your batons safe and in one place. Star Line Baton boasts a large selection of baton cases, all of which can be embroidered to make them your own. The Deluxe Professional case can hold up to 15 batons and comes with a shoulder strap for easy mobility. The Sparkle case is the most popular case, and it comes in multiple colors with both large and small sizes to fit any baton. Any twirler would love a colorful, customizable baton bag to keep their
Posted: 11/24/2020
We all know that scene in Lilo and Stitch where David steps on the stage during the luau and begins to twirl fire. To a little kid, the act of spinning fire around as you dance seems incomprehensible. Fire dancing was established hundreds of years ago by the people in Polynesia, and it’s something that’s still commonly practiced today. If you’re looking to take your baton twirling skills to the next level, fire dancing might be the perfect challenge for you. Safety is the most important skill a fire dancer can have. They need to know how to properly handle the baton and make sure to keep the baton moving. If you do stop, make sure the baton is horizontal. If it’s vertical, you risk the fire crawling up the baton and onto your arm. When tossing or twirling the baton, make sure to grip the middle. The ends are, unsurprisingly, hot to the touch. If you’ve just started fire dancing, practice with your baton unlit. This will help you get a feel for the weight and movement of your bat
Posted: 1/9/2019
Choosing the correct baton length is crucial for success! If your baton is too short, it will be difficult to handle and create an awkward appearance. If your baton is too long, it can end up hitting your body (and that can really hurt). The perfect length will make your performance look effortless and smooth. Batons tend to be between the sizes of 14 and 32 inches. This wide variety of sizes makes it easy to find your right fit. How can you do this? Grab a friend to help! Ask your friend to use a tape measure to measure the length from the top of your shoulder to the tip of your middle finger. Make sure you’re standing straight up with your arm straight out. The length between these two spots is your ideal baton length. If you cannot find a baton to match the exact length of your shoulder to middle finger, it’s okay to size up. It’s better to have a longer baton than a shorter one - and you could always grow into it! If you don’t have a tape measure or someone to help, or you
Posted: 5/22/2018
There’s not much gear required for baton twirling, but the things you do need should be of top quality. Two of these items are baton twirling shoes and the baton itself. Finding the right shoes for baton twirling is important. You spend the entire time you practice as well as perform on your feet. During this time on your feet, you walk, sprint, bounce, jump, spin, twirl, and kick. Make sure you have the appropriate shoes so you can perform your best. We recommend getting InStep shoes for your baton twirling needs. They come in different colors to fit your style. The reason InStep shoes are a perfect fit for twirling is because they are lightweight and ultra flexible with a great toe point all while offering great support. When performing high energy routines, it’s important to have non-slip shoes. InStep shoes are both non-slip and non-stick. They are also conveniently washable as they’re made with leather bands on canvas. All of these things make InStep shoes perfect for not onl
Posted: 5/11/2018
Interested in becoming a baton twirler? There are a couple things you need to know first. We’ve got some tips to help jumpstart your baton twirling passion. The first thing you’ll need when entering the world of baton twirling is, of course, a baton. There are many different styles and colors to choose from- there are even batons that light up when in use. The most important thing about picking out a baton is making sure the baton is the proper length. The proper size for a baton is the length from your armpit to your middle finger. After you have acquired a baton and are getting ready for your first baton twirling practice, make sure you have on comfortable clothes that you can easily move around in. You’ll be incorporating many different styles of movement throughout practice, including jazz, ballet, and gymnastics so flexible shoes are important. Another good idea is to put your hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of your face. You can decorate your hair with ribbons, or even
Posted: 4/4/2018
Sometimes, performing your baton routine in front of a judge can be a very nerve-racking experience. Even the most expert baton twirlers get nervous before their performance. However, you can overcome your nerves by following these tips:
Posted: 7/28/2017
There are certain basic aspects to every baton routine, whether you are a beginner or an advanced twirler. For example, every routine begins with a salute to the judge. The salute is executed by holding the baton in the right hand with the baton held vertical against the left side of the body. The right hand holds the baton about one-third of the way down from the head of the baton and the right elbow points outward, while the left hand is placed on the twirler's hip. A salute shows the judge that you are ready to begin your routine.
A baton twirling routine should flow smoothly and include tricks according to the skill level of the twirler. Some very common baton tricks include finger twirls, cradles, elbow rolls, open-handed tosses, back hand catches, horizontal spins, thumb flips, and figure-eights. With practice, a twirler's skill level will improve and they will soon be able to learn more advanced tricks, as well as more difficult variations of the tricks they already know.
Posted: 7/13/2017
Footwear is an important part of any baton twirling costume and Majorette Boots are just one of the many types of footwear worn in this sport. At Star Line Baton, we have three brand new Majorette Boots available for purchase at our online baton store. We have the Dallas Knee High Majorette Boots, the Gotham Majorette Vinyl or Leather Boots, and the Nancy Majorette Boots. Although any of the four would make any baton outfit fabulous, we want to help you find the right ones for you.
Posted: 5/8/2013
Having the appropriate shoes when you practice or perform your baton twirling routine is essential. Not only do the right shoes help you retain your balance while you spin (1-turns, 2-turns, 3-turns, & more!), but also they look clean and professional, which is important for your overall presentation. Good baton shoes are lightweight and flexible, allowing your feet to breathe through the material and to have excellent toe point.
Posted: 3/4/2013
Planning to join your church’s praise team or choir? If you are, you may need to learn how to play tambourine. The tambourine is a percussion instrument that can be traced back to most ancient civilizations. Learning the basics of the tambourine isn’t difficult, and it can add a great percussion flair to any worship music. Here are some tips for tambourine beginners:
Posted: 2/13/2013
Quite a few very well known people were baton twirlers when they were younger, and some even started their professional careers in the sport of baton twirling. Here are just a few people you may not have realized were baton twirlers:
- Lynne V. Cheney, wife of former Vice President Dick Cheney, was a baton twirler. She was even the Wyoming State Baton Twirling Champion in 1958!
- Actresses Debbie Reynolds and Sissy Spacek were baton twirlers!
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the U.S. Supreme Court Justice, was a baton twirler when she was younger.
- Famous singer, Sheryl Crow, was a baton twirler!
- Well-known dancer, choreographer, and actress Debbie Allen was a baton twirler!
- Debbie Allen's sister, Phylicia Rashad, best known for her role as Clair Huxtable, was a baton twirler.
- Madonna brought baton twirling to her MDNA 2012 world tour last summer when she performed in a 1940's majorette costume.
Baton twirling is a great sport that gives people the unique opportunity to tap into their creative side, increase hand-eye coordination and flexibility, and even compete in an athletic environment. Baton twirling is a great way to start a professional career as a choreographer, dancer, actor, etc.
Posted: 11/29/2012
The sport of baton twirling requires flexibility in order to successfully execute moves in your baton twirling routine. You can’t become flexible overnight, but with patience and time, you will soon become limber. Stretching not only helps you to be able to perform skills in your routine, but also it prevents muscle injury from over-exertion.
Posted: 10/4/2012
You’ve more than likely seen baton twirling during a football half-time show, a parade, or in a marching band. It’s fun to practice and it’s especially fun to watch. If you’re a baton twirler and want to bring you’re your skill to the next level, a challenging and unique skill to learn is how to twirl a flaming baton. When done properly, it is a magnificent show and an all-around crowd pleaser. But how is it done?
Posted: 7/11/2012
Twirling is a great sport for anyone, but it is especially beneficial to children because it helps them develop spatial awareness, motor skills, and hand-eye coordination. By participating in the sport of baton twirling, children also develop strength, stamina, and flexibility, as well as poise and a positive body image.
Posted: 4/9/2012
Sometimes, performing your baton routine in front of a judge can be a very nerve-racking experience. Even the most expert baton twirlers get nervous before their performance. However, you can overcome your nerves by following these tips:
- Prepare for your performance by practicing your routine thoroughly before the day of the performance. Make sure you know your routine backwards and forwards so that you are confident in your ability to execute it flawlessly.
- Check out the performance space beforehand. It is good to know how much space you have to perform and the type of material the floor is. If you discover the floor is too slippery for your comfort, you can always dip the soles of your shoes in rosin to give extra traction.
- Take deep breaths and imagine yourself performing the baton routine flawlessly. This will boost your self confidence, which will result in a better performance.
- Most importantly, have fun. Performing your routine gives you a chance to share your talents with others. You never know, your routine may inspire another to start twirling.
Posted: 3/23/2012
As the snow melts and the flowers begin to bloom, color guard teams across the country are gearing up for spring performan...
Spring is finally here, which means it's time to dust off those batons and get ready for a season of twirling! Whether...
Spring is the perfect time to showcase your baton twirling skills at an outdoor event. Whether you’re performing at a carn...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and if your significant other is a baton twirler, you may be wondering what...