No worries; pre-performance nerves are normal. This is your body’s way of trying to help you stay alert and precise to do your best. That being said, your nerves can get the best of you causing you cold sweats, butterflies, or the inability to think straight. No worries! Our baton team is here with you to help you manage your pre-performance nerves.
- Prepare yourself: Preparation brings confidence, and you’re less likely to freeze up or mess up. So practice as much as you can, by yourself and with groups, to gain the confidence to calm your nerves when the big time comes.
- Get excited!: You never see a football team walk out on the field looking afraid or worried. They’re excited, revved up, and ready to give it their all! Carry this trait over before your performance. Pray in a group or sing a song that will put your team in the spirit. There’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a little pep talk.
- Chill out: It’s beneficial to be calm and at ease before your performance. There’s no right way to relax before your performance because everyone’s different. This can vary from listening to a playlist dedicated to relaxation or jumping around to get those pre-performance jitters out. Whatever works!
- Control your fear: Even after all of these little pre-performance tasks, you may still have the feeling of performance jitters while performing. Don’t let this control your performance! Let those jitters be, and give it your all. Tell yourself that you’ll do great, and believe in yourself.
- Personal health: Nerves can easily limit the amount of eating and sleeping you can handle. Make sure to take care of yourself before your performance, and don’t burn yourself out by skipping necessary rest for practice. Having a full night of sleep, or even a nap before the performance, can help you feel well rested and ready for anything.
These tips are sure to help you manage stress before your big performance. Remember that the most important part of your performance is to have fun. We at Star Line Baton believe that you’ll do great! If you need supplies before your big performance, such as a baton, please check out our website for all of your performance needs, or call us at 931-528-7829.
Posted: 1/5/2017
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