It is another competition, and you see the same two people and think to yourself “Great. NOW how am I supposed to win if so and so is here? They ALWAYS win!” However, instead of negatively thinking about it, how about approaching it as “I wonder what they are doing to ensure they bring their A game every time, and what can I do differently to get on that upper-echelon level?” The experts in everything related to baton twirling at Starline Baton let you in on a few secrets of the habits at those who always seem to win.
There is no elite performer out there who rolls out of bed, gets to the competition site, walks on stage, and proceeds to hit their routine perfectly. There are always things behind that superstar’s performance that ensures that is, indeed, superstar. Some of the above mentioned will help, but there are other ways you can incorporate into your pre-competition routine to help your performance. Who knows? You may one day be that performer that people see and say “Oh, great!” For more ways to improve your baton twirling performance, please browse the Starline blogs.
- The Night Before Visualization: Before going to bed each night, winners visualize every nuance of their routine and see themselves doing it perfectly. That foot that their coach is always telling them to point? Fixed! Not spotting the correct way sometimes in the routine? Fixed! By visualizing the whole routine executed flawlessly, it helps the mind prepare for what the body will take on the next day.
- Break from the Stress: There is a lot of hustle and bustle backstage, which helps build up anxiety, which contributes to nervousness. Nerves are a huge part of not performing at one's best while competing, so drown out all the noise with some ear buds and good tunes. For some, calm music works better and for others, pumped up music helps get the blood flowing. Find out what helps you to concentrate on the upcoming competition, and let your mind focus just on you.
- Run-Throughs & Warm Ups: You cannot just show up at competition, do nothing, then walk on stage and expect to hit your routine perfectly. And those who win all the time do not do that, either. They ALL get there early to run-through their routines. But before that, a proper warm up is essential. The body must be loose to be able to hit every single trick, so be sure that your body is always warmed up and ready to go. Also, by doing run-throughs after run-throughs, you can tighten up any areas of concern, and your coach or teacher can suggest ways it could be better.
Posted: 9/12/2016
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