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Overcoming Nerves When Performing

Sometimes, performing your baton routine in front of a judge can be a very nerve-racking experience. Even the most expert baton twirlers get nervous before their performance. However, you can overcome your nerves by following these tips:

  • Prepare for your performance by practicing your routine thoroughly before the day of the performance. Make sure you know your routine backwards and forwards so that you are confident in your ability to execute it flawlessly.
  • Check out the performance space beforehand. It is good to know how much space you have to perform and the type of material the floor is. If you discover the floor is too slippery for your comfort, you can always dip the soles of your shoes in rosin to give extra traction.
  • Take deep breaths and imagine yourself performing the baton routine flawlessly. This will boost your self confidence, which will result in a better performance.
  • Most importantly, have fun. Performing your routine gives you a chance to share your talents with others. You never know, your routine may inspire another to start twirling.

If you are in need of a baton or baton twirling accessories, look no further than Star Line Baton Company's Online Catalog. We sell batons, streamers, flags, color guard rifles, twirling shoes, Christian worship products, baton tape, and more!

Posted: 3/23/2012

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