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Blog Post

How to Perform Your Best

After working hard and preparing for your competitions, it can seem daunting to perform. Since all of your practice has been leading up to this performance, it may help to take some time to help you prepare and center before the show. First, remember to believe in yourself. You have worked hard to prepare for what you are about to do, and you are ready. You can do this. Do your best to maintain good eye contact with the judges; this will help convey just how confident you are in your routine. Remember — the judges want you to succeed and are rooting for you, not against you. The judges are able to see when a performer is slaking, so make sure to give your performance everything you’ve got. If you do make a mistake, continue with your performance. The judges don’t know your routine the way you do! They won’t notice a mistake unless you make it clear. Believe in yourself and your routine, and the rest will come naturally. For more tips on how you can make the most of your performance, continue reading the Starline Baton blog.

Posted: 7/29/2020

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