The history of baton twirling is pretty vague in its origins, but the sport has evolved through men as drum majors, using rifles, sticks, maces, and mallets. It wasn’t until twirling started to include a baton that women became involved in it and practically took over the sport. Today, baton twirling may be a sport dominated by females, but it is certainly not a woman’s only sport. Whether they picked up baton twirling from a sister or another source, boys have been moving into the sport and steadily gaining in numbers. In the United States, the estimated ratio for girls to boys that twirl are about 40-1, but in other countries the numbers are much more evenly distributed. With such low numbers, it can be awkward and uncomfortable for boys just starting out. They may be the only male twirler in a program. Often, it’s not until a boy moves into competitions that he will come across other like-minded boys interested in the fine art of baton twirling. Male champion twirlers like Richie Terwilliger, Michael Cruz and eight-time World Champion Mark Nash have drawn more attention to the men in the sport. As a result, more and more boys are gaining the confidence to take up baton twirling and compete. It’s a tough sport to compete in for both boys and girls. Baton twirling competitions involve not only skill with the baton, but elements of dance, gymnastics and juggling. Some competitions include twirlers working with up to three batons at one time. Elite competitors not only have to spend hours daily practicing and honing their baton twirling skills, but they must work on routine choreography as well. Star Line Baton offers a wide variety of twirling products and accessories. We also have instructional videos and combo packs to benefit new twirlers, as well as products for more advanced students, male or female. Call us at (931) 528-7829 for more information, or browse our website to see what products can take your baton twirling to the next level.
Posted: 1/19/2018
Spring is the perfect time to showcase your baton twirling skills at an outdoor event. Whether you’re performing at a carn...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and if your significant other is a baton twirler, you may be wondering what...
As the temperatures drop and winter sets in, it's important to stay warm and comfortable during your baton twirling pr...
The new year is here, and with it, new year's resolutions! As a baton twirler, one of your goals for the year may be t...