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Snacks for Those Long Days of Practice

For many performers, whether they are a baton twirler, dancer, or gymnast, there comes a time when an all-day practice is needed to prepare for a competition or a show. Working so extensively for many hours means that the body needs the proper hydration and fuel to maintain a high level of engagement to perfect the routine for the competition or show. The experts in everything related to baton twirling, Starline Baton, explain what the body needs to stay full of the proper energy to power through.

  1. Nuts & Seeds: Nuts and seeds are the perfect snacks to help you power through a long day of practice. For example, pumpkin seeds are are an excellent choice as they contain the anti-cramping mineral: potassium. Peanuts are a great way to fill up without feeling too full. Just be sure they are unsalted because the sodium found in salt can contribute to dehydration. Raw almonds feature the good kind of fat that helps maintain a feeling of fullness.
  2. Fruit: Try packing some dates to take with you. These little pieces of heaven are full of fiber, which helps you feel full, and also has calcium, copper, iron, and magnesium, which, again, helps with keeping your muscles from cramping. Also, think about a medley of fruits like freshly sliced pineapple, an apple, a grapefruit, or banana. You cannot go wrong with fruit as long as it is fresh.
  3. Yogurt: Bring a container of organic Greek yogurt and throw in a handful of granola. The benefits of Greek yogurt are outstanding as it has double the protein of regular yogurt, along with half the carbs and half the sodium. By adding granola, it will just add to that full feeling without weighing you down.
  4. For even more tips on baton twirling, including the proper supplies, techniques, and performance needs, please browse the rest of our blogs. You can also call to speak to one of our knowledgeable representatives at 931-528-7829, or contact us online.

Posted: 4/11/2016

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