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How to Pack A Survival Kit for Your Next Color Guard Competition

When you arrive at a color guard competition, a million thoughts run through your head: When do we need to go to warm up? Where do we set up? What am I going to eat for lunch? You definitely don't want to worry about whether or not you have what you need. If you have a well-stocked survival kit on hand, you can minimize the stress of color guard competitions. The competition survival kit, sometimes affectionately known as the "grandma bag," comprises everything a color guard could possibly need. If something goes wrong with your team's equipment, the survival kit has what you need to fix whatever broke. This can include extra end caps and pole weights, electrical tape and packing tape, safety pins, scissors, extra bolt and strap screws, and a screwdriver. You'll also want to pack any personal items you or your teammates may need, including makeup wipes, hairspray, bobby pins, a comb, a hand mirror, deodorant, feminine products, a small bottle of water, a healthy snack, and basic first aid supplies like Band-Aids, Ace bandages, and a chemical ice pack. Finally, make sure to pack an extra copy of your performance CD if you have one, or have a device that can access the file if you're using digital means. This may seem like a lot to keep with you, but over-preparing never hurts! Getting all of this stuff together before the competition will save you precious time when you get there and ease the nerves of your team as you prepare to perform. The survival kit can serve as your team's lucky charm during stressful color guard competitions. For all your color guard needs, Starline Baton can help you find everything you need to compete with confidence. Visit our website to see everything we have to offer!

Posted: 12/5/2019

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