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Archive for July, 2016

Get The Most Out of Your Rehearsal Time

In order to become the best you can be in baton twirling, just wanting it isn’t enough. You must practice, practice, and practice. But, what are the things to be aware of to make the most of your rehearsal time? Starline Baton, the experts in baton twirling, offer their advice on how to get the most of your rehearsal time.

  • Make Sure You’re Prepared: It is not enough to just show up to rehearsal time. Be sure you are prepared! Have your hair up and pulled off your face, you are wearing the appropriate clothes, and you have all the correct footwear. Also, be sure to have enough water with you so you don’t have to stop and make your way to a water fountain.
  • Eat for Energy: Before your rehearsal time, be sure to eat a healthy snack, not sugary snacks or fatty foods, which just weigh you down. A handle full of nuts or some fruit are the the perfect snacks that provide protein for energy, but not too heavy.
  • Concentrate: When you start practice, push out anything that might be on your mind, such as homework or any type of worry, and concentrate on just rehearsal. This is the time to concentrate on the task at hand. Any outside concerns can distract you from the many small nuances to be learned.
  • Take Notes: Bring a notepad and a pen and jot down anything you may not remember. Perhaps a new set of eight is added to a performance, which can be written down to reference later so it stays fresh.
  • Practice Outside the Studio: One way to solidify anything new you have learned is to practice when you are NOT in the studio. It really does help you remember anything new you have learned and to also perfect your moves.
  • Have a Good Attitude: One of the most important things to bring is a positive attitude. If you act like you don’t want to be there, it will affect your ability to learn new moves and also hinder your ability in getting better.

Posted: 7/18/2016

5 Secrets to a Winning Mindset

The big day is finally here: your performance! You have spent many hours perfecting your routine and your costume is on point. While rehearsing, your baton twirling routine is flawless, but it is a whole new ball game when it comes to competitions because to succeed, you must bring your A-game. It is called competing for a reason-you are competing against other people. Do you know what it takes to have that winning mindset so that you can perform on the level you desire? Here are five things to use to get your mind in the right state.

  1. Visualize Yourself Doing Well: Get a clear picture in your mind as to what is needed to make your performance amazing. Think of every step, every arm placement, what your face should look like. Visualize what is needed to make THIS performance THE performance that will win.
  2. Positive Affirmations: Affirmations are positive sayings you create and say to yourself so that they become a part of the process of doing well on stage. Think of it as a type of mantra. An example of a positive affirmation is “Today, I will be the best I can absolutely be.” Create a positive affirmation that is unique to yourself and then repeat and believe in it.
  3. Focus on the Process: The worst thing a performer can do is watch other performers and see how much better they are on turns, or leaps, or whatever. This is performance is about YOU and what you can show the judges. So, instead of watching other baton twirlers, visualize your routine and concentrate on your upcoming performance.
  4. Think Positive: A positive mind can get so many more things accomplished than a negative one. If you think good thoughts, good things will happen, so do not let self-doubt and nerves cloud your upcoming performance, which will be amazing!
  5. Then Let Yourself Shine: As you walk onto the stage for your performance, remember to smile, think positive thoughts, and shine! Show those judges and the audience what you are made of.

Posted: 7/8/2016

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